spellDoc {Aspell}R Documentation

Basic interface to spell check document


This is a simple and primitive interface to using the aspell library for spell checking an entire document. This allows the caller to provide a function to respond to each mis-spelled word. This function can attempt to predict the appropriate word or can prompt the user to select a word. These two approaches are possible using the basic mechanisms in R and Aspell.

The methods for this generic function work for connections by “slurping” the entire text via readLines and passing the resulting string into the regular spellDoc function.


spellDoc(doc, wordHandler = DocSpeller(), checker = docChecker(speller), speller = getSpeller(conf), conf = createSpellConfig())


doc the identifier for a document. This is the name of a file, text giving the contents of the file or a connection object from which we can read the contents via readLines.
wordHandler a function that is called for each word that aspell identifies as mis-spelled. The function is called with the word (perhaps with surrounding whitespace), the token giving the offset and length of the word with respect ot the document, the text of the document itself, and the speller object which can be used to lookup suggestions for the mis-spelled words.
checker an object of class AspellDocChecker-class which can be used across multiple documents. This is helpful when we cumulate predictions, personal dictionary words, etc. as we can use the same checker for a session.
speller a AspellSpeller-class object that is used to create the checker if necessary. If the checker is provided in the call, this is not used.
conf a AspellConfig-class that is used to create the speller that is used to create the document checker. This can be omitted and is ignored if the caller specifies the checker or the speller.



Duncan Temple Lang <duncan@wald.ucdavis.edu>



See Also



     # Create a simple configuration
 conf = createSpellConfig()

     # Add HTML as a filter
 conf$"add-filter" = "html"

     # spell check the document TODO.html
 spellDoc(system.file("TODO.html", package = "Aspell"), function(word, tok, txt, ...) print(word), conf = conf)

[Package Aspell version 0.2-0 Index]