#! /usr/local/bin/R tag(HTML) tag(HEAD) tag(TITLE) cat("An example R.cgi output page") untag(TITLE) untag(HEAD) comments("Some comments to be ignored by the web browser") lf(2) tag(BODY, bgcolor = "yellow") lf(2) tag(h3) cat("A large heading") untag(h3) lf(2) tag(p) cat("Your words in italics:") tag(i) cat(formData$words) untag(i) untag(p) lf(2) tag(p) cat("Your numbers:") tag(pre) numbers <- as.numeric(scanText(formData$numbers)) print(numbers) untag(pre) untag(p) lf(2) cat("Here is a graph:") ; br() graphDir <- "/Users/david/Sites/graphs/" graphURLroot <- "/~david/graphs/" webPNG("temp.png") plot(numbers) img(src = "temp.png") ; br(2) lf(2) cat("The author is ") mailto("David Firth", "david.firth@nuffield.ox.ac.uk") cat(" and here is his ") linkto("website.", "http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~firth/") ; br() lf() tag(p) cat("Output produced at ", date()) untag(p) lf() untag(BODY) lf() untag(HTML) lf()