# See # http://www.genome.jp/kegg/soap/doc/keggapi_manual.html # http://www.genome.jp/kegg/docs/keggapi_manual.html # for examples and results. # From KEGGSOAP # "getBestNeighbors" - wrapper for get_best_neighbors_by_gene and get_best_best... # Working from the kegg = processWSDL("http://soap.genome.jp/KEGG.wsdl") iface = genSOAPClientInterface(def = kegg) kegg = processWSDL("examples/KEGG.wsdl") # options(UseDashInSOAPNames = "TRUE") ki = iface = genSOAPClientInterface(def = kegg) # Get the databases and then all their version information. db = ki@functions$list_databases() v = sapply(sapply(db, "[[", 1), ki@functions$binfo) tmp = ki@functions$list_organisms() organisms = structure(sapply(tmp, function(x) x$definition), names = sapply(tmp, function(x) x$entry_id)) m = iface@functions$list_pathways("map") iface@functions$binfo("gb") iface@functions$btit("hsa:1798 mmu:13478 dme:CG5287-PA cel:Y60A3A.14") iface@functions$bfind("gb E-cadherin human") # The next 4 calls gave Null Dec 5, 2005. (Same with perl for the last one at least. # Didn't check the others.). # The first is no longer in the WSDL file. I would expect an error, but we get NULL. # Of course, if using the correct WSDL, the function won't be generated. # And with the new WSDL, the remaining 3 operations work fine. if(FALSE) iface@functions$get_neighbors_by_gene('eco:b0002', 'all', 11, 10) # Works now iface@functions[["get_best_neighbors_by_gene"]]('eco:b0002', 1, 5) iface@functions[["get_best_best_neighbors_by_gene"]]('eco:b0002', 11, 10) iface@functions$get_reverse_best_neighbors_by_gene('eco:b0002', 11, 10) # This returns an ArrayOfDefinition which is # a complex type that is simply an Array whose element # type is Definition. iface@functions[["list_pathways"]]('eco') iface@functions[["get_motifs_by_gene"]]('eco:b0002', 'pfam') # bget and bfind are not behaving as per the examples on # http://www.genome.jp/kegg/soap/doc/keggapi_manual.html#label:22 # # List of Definition objects. iface@functions[["list_organisms"]]() # List of Definition objects. iface@functions[["list_databases"]]() iface@functions$get_compounds_by_enzyme('ec:') iface@functions$get_compounds_by_reaction('rn:R00100') iface@functions$get_glycans_by_enzyme('ec:') iface@functions$get_glycans_by_reaction('rn:R06164') iface@functions[[ "get_compounds_by_pathway" ]]('path:eco00020') iface@functions[[ "get_genes_by_pathway" ]]('path:eco00020') iface@functions[[ "get_enzymes_by_pathway" ]]('path:eco00020') iface@functions[[ "get_reactions_by_pathway" ]]('path:eco00020') iface@functions[[ "get_drugs_by_pathway" ]]('path:eco00020') iface@functions[[ "get_glycans_by_pathway" ]]('path:eco00510') iface@functions[[ "get_kos_by_pathway" ]]('path:hsa00010') iface@functions$search_compounds_by_mass(174.05, 0.1) # Array of Definition objects. iface@functions[["get_genes_by_motifs"]](c('pf:DnaJ', 'ps:DNAJ_2'), 1, 10) iface@functions[["get_genes_by_organism"]]("hin", 1, 10) iface@functions$get_number_of_genes_by_organism('eco') iface@functions$get_reactions_by_compound('cpd:C00199') # List with one string. iface@functions$get_reactions_by_enzyme('ec:') iface@functions$get_compounds_by_reaction('rn:R00100') iface@functions$get_compounds_by_enzyme('ec:') iface@functions$get_enzymes_by_reaction('rn:R00100') iface@functions$get_enzymes_by_compound('cpd:C00345') iface@functions$get_enzymes_by_glycan('gl:G00001') iface@functions$get_enzymes_by_gene('eco:b0002') # Note that this is is enzymes (with an S) in the example in the manual # (not in the documentation within the manual, just the example). # It gives a zero-length array of strings with ec: # but 4 elements for ec: # This tests the handling of PrimitiveSOAPType objects in fromSOAPArray # (as do all of the ArrayOfstring methods) iface@functions$get_genes_by_enzyme('ec:', 'eco') iface@functions$get_linked_pathways('path:eco00620') # Array of LinkDBRelation objects. iface@functions[["get_linkdb_by_entry"]]('eco:b0002', 'pathway', 1, 10) iface@functons$get_linkdb_between_databases("eco", "pathway", 1, 100) # List of SSDBRelation. # Gives me NULL now. (Dec. 5, 2005). But not with the new WSDL, or a new call. # So does kegg.pl via SOAP::Lite. iface@functions[["get_paralogs_by_gene"]]("eco:b0002", 1, 10) iface@functions$get_number_of_genes_by_organism('eco') iface@functions$get_genes_by_enzyme('ec:', 'eco') # Not in WSDL. if(FALSE) { iface@functions$get_pc_members_by_gene('eco:b0002', 1, 10) iface@functions$get_oc_members_by_gene('eco:b0002', 1, 10) iface@functions$get_ko_members('ko:K02598') } iface@functions$get_ko_by_gene('eco:b0002') iface@functions$get_ko_by_ko_class('01196') iface@functions$get_genes_by_ko_class('00903', 'hsa' , 1, 100) iface@functions$get_genes_by_ko('ko:K00010', 'all') iface@functions$bconv("ncbi-gi:10047086 ncbi-gi:10047090 ncbi-geneid:14751") iface@functions$bget("-f -n a eco:b0002") iface@functions$btit("hsa:1798 mmu:13478 dme:CG5287-PA cel:Y60A3A.14") #XXX This one has hung on me in the past. Fine now. # Returns a string of length 8991 (currently). Somewhat slow in SOAP::Lite. # Mar 24, 07: And a delay in R again, but works. # iface@functions$bfind("gb E-cadherin human") # Return a string. iface@functions$binfo("gb") iface@functions[["binfo"]]('all') # Conversion hits a NULL XMLNode. # Looks like we aren't dealing with the correct node, but the top-level part # of the return e.g. .... # rather than the child of # Works now by ensuring that parsing and finding the return node is in the # convertFromSOAP method. #FIX: # No longer in the WSDL. #iface@functions[['get_similarity_between_genes']]('eco:b0002', 'eco:b3940') ############################################################################################################################# # PROBLEMS: ############# These all look like issues with arrays. # And all of them seem to be fixed now. # Need the 1.1 namespaces, i.e. 1999 schema. if(FALSE) { # problems # issues with array of strings. iface@functions[["get_genes_by_motifs"]](c('pf:DnaJ', 'ps:DNAJ_2'), 1, 10) } # Throws an HTML server error. # The problem was that the arrays had a new line between the and the value # e.g. # # eco:b0077 # # eco:b0078 # # # iface@functions[[ "get_pathways_by_genes" ]](c('eco:b0077' , 'eco:b0078')) iface@functions$get_pathways_by_genes(c('eco:b0077' , 'eco:b0078')) # This used to give me NULL. # The issue was the way we were representing arrays (with newlines between the and value). iface@functions[["mark_pathway_by_objects"]]("path:eco00010", c("eco:b1002", "eco:b2388")) iface@functions$get_pathways_by_compounds(c('cpd:C00033', 'cpd:C00158')) iface@functions$get_pathways_by_drugs(c('dr:D00204', 'dr:D01053')) # Get an answer but it is a SOAP array with 0 elements. Not anymore! iface@functions$get_pathways_by_reactions(c('rn:R00959', 'rn:R02740', 'rn:R00960', 'rn:R01786')) # Same as get_pathways_by_reactions. iface@functions$get_pathways_by_compounds(c('cpd:C00033', 'cpd:C00158')) # Same.... img = iface@functions$color_pathway_by_objects('path:eco00260', c('eco:b0514', 'eco:b2913'), c('#ff0000', '#00ff00'), c('#ffff00', 'yellow')) gif = getURL(img) iface@functions[[ "get_pathways_by_enzymes" ]](c('ec:', "ec:")) # For this, we need to convert the argument to an array not a scalar. iface@functions[[ "get_pathways_by_enzymes" ]](c('ec:')) ################################################ # Needs work. ################################################ # Tests the coercion from numeric to integer of element_id_list. element_id_list = c(78, 79, 51, 47) fg_list = c( '#ff0000', '#0000ff', '#ff0000', '#0000ff') bg_list = c( '#ffff00', '#ffff00', '#ffcc00', '#ffcc00' ) iface@functions$get_html_of_colored_pathway_by_elements('path:bsu00010', element_id_list, fg_list, bg_list) iface@functions$get_html_of_colored_pathway_by_objects('path:bsu00010', element_id_list, fg_list, bg_list) element_id_list = c( 78, 79, 51, 47 ) fg_list = c( '#ff0000', '#0000ff', '#ff0000', '#0000ff') bg_list = c( '#ffff00', '#ffff00', '#ffcc00', '#ffcc00') iface@functions$color_pathway_by_elements('path:bsu00010', element_id_list, fg_list, bg_list) iface@functions$get_references_by_pathway("path:map00010") # Add a converter for reading the HTML and identifying the gif file. mol = iface@functions$bget("-f m cpd:C00111") iface@functions$search_compounds_by_subcomp(mol, 1, 5) # list() kcf = iface@functions$bget("-f k gl:G12922") iface@functions$search_glycans_by_kcam(kcf, "gapped", "local", 1, 5) # Was causing problems because each element in the resulting array/list # was a complex object which was an S4 object of class PathwayElementRelation # and that has a slot name subtypes of class ArrayOfSubtype. # But fromSOAPArray() was returning it as a "list" and not of the more specific # extended class ArrayOfSubtype. Fixed now. iface@functions$get_element_relations_by_pathway('path:bsu00010') ###################### # # Not working # # infinite recursion in the conversion of the result. iface@functions$get_elements_by_pathway('path:bsu00010') setAs("character", "ArrayOfstring", function(from) new("ArrayOfstring", from)) iface@functions$get_elements_by_pathway('path:bsu00010') # our own converters PathwayElement = function(node) { obj = new("PathwayElement") obj@element_id = as.integer(xmlValue(node[["element_id"]])) obj@type = xmlValue(node[["type"]]) obj@NAMES = new("ArrayOfstring", xmlSApply(node[["names"]], xmlValue)) obj@components = new("ArrayOfint", as.integer(xmlSApply(node[["components"]], xmlValue)) ) obj } ArrayOfPathwayElement = function(node) { tmp = xmlApply(node, PathwayElement) new("ArrayOfPathwayElement", tmp) } iface@functions$get_elements_by_pathway('path:bsu00010', .convert = ArrayOfPathwayElement) # By defining the coercion methods from an abstract XML nodeas setAs("XMLAbstractNode", "PathwayElement", function(from, header = NULL) { obj = new("PathwayElement") obj@element_id = as.integer(xmlValue(from[["element_id"]])) obj@type = xmlValue(from[["type"]]) obj@NAMES = new("ArrayOfstring", xmlSApply(from[["names"]], xmlValue)) obj@components = new("ArrayOfint", as.integer(xmlSApply(from[["components"]], xmlValue))) obj }) setAs("XMLAbstractNode", "ArrayOfPathwayElement", function(from, header) { tmp = xmlApply(from, as, "PathwayElement") new("ArrayOfPathwayElement", tmp) }) iface@functions$get_elements_by_pathway('path:bsu00010', .convert = function(node) as(node, "ArrayOfPathwayElement"))