lib = LoadTypeLib("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\EXCEL9.OLB") els = getTypeInfo(lib) enums = els[sapply(els, function(x) names(x@type) == "enum")] setClass("EnumerationDefinition", representation("integer")) setAs("integer", "EnumerationDefinition", function(from) { if(length(names(from)) == 0) stop("Enumeration must have named elements") x = new("EnumerationDefinition") x@.Data = from x }) setClass("EnumerationValue", representation("integer")) setClass("XlCellnew", representation("EnumerationDefinition") setClass("XlCellType", representation("EnumerationValue")) setAs(" workbooks = lib[["Workbooks"]] funcs = getFuncs(workbooks) names(funcs) f = funcs[["Open"]] names(f@parameters) sapply(f@parameters, isOptional) obj$Open(filename, ...) $.Workbook = function(x, name) { i = name %in% names(propertyGet) if(! { # Use the propertyGet[[i]] to control the conversion of the return type. .COM(x, name, .dispatch = 2) } else if(! <- name %in% names(functions))) { function(...) { .COM(x, name, ..., .dispatch = 1) } } else stop("No such property or function in the COM object of type", class(x) } wkbs$Open("foo.xls") function(x, name) { .paramNames = tolower(names(desc@paramters)) .required = .paramNames[!sapply(desc@parameters, isOptional)] .converters = lapply(desc@parameters, getConverterFunctions) if(all(sapply(.converters, is.null))) .converters = NULL function(...) { args = argNames = tolower(names(args)[-1]) if(any(which =, .paramNames)))) stop("Unmatched arguments", paste(argNames[which], collapse=", ")) if(any(, argNames)))) stop("Required argument(s) missing:", paste(.required[, argNames))], collapse=", ")) .COM(x, name, ..., .dispatch) } } getNameIDs(func, wks) getNameIDs(wks) function(x, name) { i = name %in% names(propertyGet) if(! { .COM(x, name, .dispatch = 2, .ids = nameIDs[[name]]) else if(! <- name %in% names(functions))) { function(...) .COM(x, name, ..., .dispatch, .ids = nameIDs[[name]]) } else stop(...) } funcs = getFuncs(libEntry) which = sapply(funcs, function(x) !is(x, "PropertySetDescription")) nameIDs = getNameIDs(libEntry)[which] computeFunctionInformation = function(desc) { paramNames = tolower(names(desc@paramters)) required = .paramNames[!sapply(desc@parameters, isOptional)] converters = lapply(desc@parameters, getConverterFunctions) if(all(sapply(converters, is.null))) converters = NULL list(paraNames = paramNames, required = required, converters = converters) } generateOperators = function(libEntry, className) { funcs = getFuncs(libEntry) which = sapply(funcs, function(x) !is(x, "PropertySetDescription")) .nameIDs = getNameIDs(libEntry)[which] getDefs = lapply(funcs[which], computeFunctionInformation) Get = function(x, name) { i = name %in% names(propertyGet) if( stop("No such property or function ", name, " in the COM object of type", class(x)) if(is(funcs[[name]], "PropertyGetDescription")) { .COM(x, name, .dispatch = 2, .ids = .nameIDs[[name]]) } else { function(...) { args = argNames = tolower(names(args)[-1]) def = funcs[[name]] if(any(which =, def$paramNames)))) stop("Unmatched arguments", paste(argNames[which], collapse=", ")) if(any($required, argNames)))) stop("Required argument(s) missing:", paste(def$required[$required, argNames))], collapse=", ")) .COM(x, name, ..., .dispatch = 1, .ids = .nameIDs[[name]]) } } } setMethod("$", className, Get) invisible(Get) } processFunctions = function(obj) { funcs = getFuncs(obj) readProps = names(funcs)[sapply(funcs, function(x) x@invokeType == 2)] writeProps = names(funcs)[sapply(funcs, function(x) x@invokeType == 4)] readWriteProps = readProps[!, writeProps))] readOnlyProps = readProps[, writeProps))] writeOnlyProps = writeProps[, readProps))] callable = names(funcs)[sapply(funcs, function(x) x@invokeType == 1)] list(readOnly = readOnlyProps, writeOnly = writeOnlyProps, readWrite = readWriteProps, functions = callable) } comAccessor = function(info, className, where = NULL) { get <- function(x, name) { name <- tolower(name) if(!, info$functions))) { return(function(...) { .COM(x, name, ...) }) } else if(!, c(info$readOnly, info$readWrite)))) { .Call("R_getProperty",x, as.character(name), NULL) } else { browser() stop("No such element ", name, " in COM object") } } set <- function(x, name, value) { name <- tolower(name) if(!, c(info$readWrite, info$writeOnly)))) { .Call("R_setProperty", x, as.character(name), list(value)) x } else stop("No writeable property named ", name, " in COM object") } setMethod("$", className, get, where = where) setMethod("$<-", className, set, where = where) }