Examples for the Sxslt package

  • sqrt.xml & sqrt.xsl
    lm.xml, sqrt.xsl
    Simple example of calling R functions.
  • Accessing nodes, nodesets, etc. in R.
    summary.xml, summary.xsl, summary.R.
    These also illustrate how to generate HTML content from within R (via the R2HTML package and insert it into the resulting XML document.
  • Registering functions.
    registration.R, registration.xml, registration.xsl
    Example of how to register XSL extension functions from within R code after R has been started and the XSL transformation is underway.
     bin/Sxsltproc examples/register.xsl examples/node.xml
  • lm.xml & sqrt.xsl
    lm.xml, sqrt.xsl
    A document that does some simple computations and generates a histogram.
    /tmp/R/pkg/Sxslt/bin/Sxsltproc -o lm.html sqrt.xsl lm.xml

  • Duncan Temple Lang <duncan@wald.ucdavis.edu>
    Last modified: Thu Dec 15 18:01:36 PST 2005