If you install aspell using the default configuration prefix location (i.e. /usr/local/), installing this package should be straightforward and R CMD INSTALL Aspell should work without any further concern. If, on the other hand, you installed aspell into a different location on your machine, you will need to tell the configuration script for this package where to find aspell.h and libaspell.a or libaspell.so, etc. There is no problem installing aspell in a different location and it is necessary if you do not have suitable permissions on the machine to install things centrally for all accounts. To avoid needing permissions, one might install the aspell library using ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local to put things in the directory local/ under ones own account. In this case, aspell.h will be installed into $HOME/local/include and libaspell will be placed in $HOME/local/lib To allow the configuration script for the R package Aspell to find these files, the simplest thing to do is to specify the value of the prefix argument above when using R CMD INSTALL R CMD INSTALL --configure-args=--with-aspell=$HOME/local Aspell This adds include/ and lib/ to the prefix value and uses these for searching for the header file and library respectively. If you are doing this repeatedly and want to avoid specifying the location on the command line of R CMD INSTALL, you can set the environment variable ASPELL_HOME to the value given for the --prefix argument, e.g. setenv ASPELL_HOME $HOME/local and then you can use R CMD INSTALL Aspell as usual. There may be occasions when you have install aspell.h in one location and libaspell.so in a very different part of the file system. In this case, specifying the locations is not as simple as giving one directory and allowing the configuration script to look in include/ and lib/. Instead, you need to specify the two directories explicitly. Use the environment variables ASPELL_INC_DIR and ASPELL_LIB_DIR for this, as in setenv ASPELL_INC_DIR $HOME/local/include setenv ASPELL_LIB_DIR $HOME/local/lib (Use the different syntax export ASPELL_INC_DIR=$HOME/local/include if you use sh or Bash.) The configuration script adds the -I and -L as appropriate. If you need to do more, edit the Makevars.in file directly and bypass the configuration setup. Then R CMD INSTALL Aspell should work fine. Please mail me if the configuration does not work or if you have improvements to it. Duncan Temple Lang duncan@wald.ucdavis.edu