Things to consider
- Finish the converters for the VARIANTs.
- Finish R_connect. Looks unfinished.
- Allow UUIDs to be used in COMCreate().
- May work now but need to put the { } around the character version.
- sheet$Range("A13:E15")[["Value"]] = foo does'nt work
Reason is that
gets evaluated first and then the assignment occurs.
- Add finalizer to create2DArray
See examples/range.S
- x[["property"]] = foo can throw an execption about invalid number of
parameters which comes from COM when the property is read-only.
- Nice to report this.
- Exception objects.
- Add interface to CoFreeUnusedLibrary();
- See page 128 of the O'Reilly DCOM book.
- Problems with C++-like symbols when linking Rdll.lib
- Type library (as a COM object ?) that we can query interactively.
- Done. See SWiNTypeLibs.