Performance Comparisons for Compiling R Code with Rllvm/RLLVMCompile

The code for all of these examples is available in the Rllvm package, in the explorations directory or tests directory. The purpose is to evaluate how well we can evaluate non-trivial benchmarks within R or by compiling to native code with Rllvm.

The timings were performed on 3 machines with the following configurations:
Operating systemCPURAMCompiler for R source
OS X2.66 Ghz Intel Core i78Gb 1067 MHz DDR3GCC 4.2.1
Linux2.8 Ghz AMD Opteron16GbGCC 4.3.4
Linux3.50Ghz Intel Core i7-2700K32GbBoth GCC 4.8.0 and clang 3.4 (trunk)

The results are currently displayed as tables. This is because they were originally much simpler, with a single machine. We will figure out a better way to visualize these.

Fibonacci Sequence

This example uses the following R function to compute the value of the fibonnaci sequence
fib =
  if (n < 2L) 
    fib(n - 1L) + fib(n - 2L)
The timings compare the R function, the byte-compiled version of the function and the LLVM-compiled function for the equivalent of fib(30).
a = lapply(list.files(pattern = "*.rda"), load, globalenv())
o = lapply(a, get)
tm =, c(lapply(o, function(x) data.frame(time = x[,3], speedup = max(x[,3])/x[,3])), deparse.level = 0))[3:1,]
print(tm, digits = 3)

sp = data.frame(speedup = unlist(tm[, seq(2, by = 2, length = length(a))]), approach = rep(rownames(tm), ncol(tm)/2))

dotplot(speedup ~ approach, sp)
                time speedup    time speedup   time speedup    time speedup
Interpreted R 76.067    1.01 108.335    1.00 57.993    1.06 52.6690       1
Byte-compiled 76.492    1.00 106.780    1.01 61.525    1.00 52.8320       1
LLVM           0.126  605.64   0.206  526.41  0.107  576.62  0.0976     541
This is not necessarily a fair comparison. If we increase the value of the sequence of interest, the results will be even more exaggerative for the llvm approach. The reason is that there is a lot of redundant computation in this because of the recursion. However, it does illustrate how a naive implementation of a function can be made to perform very well without programming in another language, explicitly.

2-Dimensional Random Walk

annotated version

This example is from Ross Ihaka's example of a 2-dimensional random walk and how to profile code and make it more efficient by vectorization. The timings compare a very naive implementation, a byte compiled version of that naive function, an entirely vectorized version of the function in R, and finally an LLVM-compiled version of the naive function.

a = list.files(pattern = "*.rda")
vars = lapply(a, load, globalenv())
vals = lapply(vars, get)
gsub("", "", a)
tm = cbind(``, ``, ``, ``)
print(tm, digits = 3)
                   Darwin          Linux     lipschitz_Linux_gcc lipschitz_Linux
                 Time Speedup   Time Speedup    Time Speedup   Time Speedup
Interpeted    171.083    1.00 196.62    1.00 100.299    1.00 92.389    1.00
Byte Compiled 123.921    1.38 120.83    1.63  60.507    1.66 51.020    1.81
Vectorized      0.969  176.47   1.84  106.83   0.629  159.46  0.655  141.05
Rllvm           0.520  329.32   1.09  180.31   0.401  250.12  0.413  223.97
The results illustrate that the Rllvm drastically outperforms the regular R code or byte-compiled code. What is somewhat interesting is that the llvm approach outperforms the manually vectorized approach

Loop Fusion

This example explores how we can speed up the native R evaluation of sum(log(dnorm(x, mu, sigma))) by transforming the three loops (in the calls to dnorm, log, sum) into a single loop that computes log(dnorm(x)) for each element and then adds the value to the running total. This also reduces the number of vector allocations.
a = list.files(pattern = "\\+07.*.rda")
vars = lapply(a, load, globalenv())
cat(m <- gsub(".*\\+07_(.*)\\.rda", "\\1", a),  "\n", sep = " ")
o = lapply(vars, get)
tm = lapply(o, function(x) c('llvm time' = median(x$llvm[3,]), 'r time' = median(x$r[3,])))
v = rbind(, tm),
          'LLVM speedup' = sapply(tm, function(x) x[2]/x[1]))
print(v, digits = 3)

tm = data.frame(times = as.numeric(v[1:2,]), approach = rep(rownames(v)[1:2], ncol(v)), machine = rep(m, each = 2))
dotplot( machine ~ times, tm, groups = approach, auto.key = list(columns = 2))
       Darwin jasper_Linux lipschitz_Linux_gcc lipschitz_Linux 
llvm         0.730 1.69 0.844 0.784
r            0.517 2.28 1.073 1.244
LLVM speedup 0.709 1.35 1.271 1.586
On OS X, we don't see a speedup, but an actual slow down! However, the compiled version is competitive with the built-in vectorized form in R. On the various different Linux configurations, we do see a performance gain. So our R code outperforms the built-in vectorized form in R.

Sample CSV File

annotated version

This example considers how to efficiently sample lines from a text file, specifically a large CSV file. This experiment compares vectorized approaches in R that use more memory than a more direct line-by-line approach that we can implement with an R loop and the compile to native code. This also illustrates how to use C routines - fgets - in R code and have these calls compiled.

a = list.files(pattern = "sampleCSV.tm_1e\\+05.*.rda")
vars = lapply(a, load, globalenv())
cat(m <- gsub(".*\\+05_(.*)\\.rda", "\\1", a),  "\n", sep = " ")
o = lapply(vars, get)
tm =, lapply(o, function(x) { x$result}))
print(tm, digits = 3)

m = gsub("Duncan-Temple-Langs-MacBook-Pro.local_|", "", m)
m = gsub("Darwin", "OS X", m)

times = data.frame(times = as.numeric(tm[, seq(1, by = 2, length = length(a))]), approach = rep(rownames(tm), nrow(tm)/2), machine = rep(m, each = nrow(tm)))
png("sampleCSVTimes.png", 800, 800)
dotplot( machine ~ times, times, groups = approach, auto.key = list(columns = 3), xlab = "time (seconds)")
             MacBook-Pro_Darwin jasper_Linux lipschitz_Linux_gcc lipschitz_Linux 
              elapsed elapsed elapsed elapsed elapsed elapsed elapsed elapsed
readLines       65.50     1.0   95.37     1.0   53.63     1.0   68.88     1.0
LLVM             3.04    21.6    6.46    14.8    3.32    16.2    3.01    22.9
FastCSVSample    2.79    23.5    6.33    15.1    3.81    14.1    2.49    27.7

These results indicate that the llvm-approach can outperform the most obvious R approach to sampling a text file using readLines by a factor of at least 15. So something that takes 2 weeks would take a day, or something that takes 15 minutes would complete in 1 minute. On some platforms and configurations, the performance is increased.


annotated description

This example considers computing the distance between each pair of observations between two data sets. This contrasts the approach of using R's dist function which involves several overheads:

a = list.files(pattern = "*.rda")
cat(gsub(".*40_", "", a),  "\n", sep = " ")
vars = lapply(a, load, globalenv())
o = lapply(vars, get)
print(, lapply(o, function(x) { tm = c(llvm = x[["llvm"]][3], R.dist = x[["r.dist"]][3]) ; data.frame(time = tm, speedup = max(tm)/tm)})), digits = 3)
                 Darwin Linux lipschitz_Linux_gcc lipschitz_Linux
                time speedup time speedup  time speedup  time speedup
llvm.elapsed    8.98    1.62 11.9    6.67  6.22     4.4  4.64    5.61
R.dist.elapsed 14.55    1.00 79.6    1.00 27.37     1.0 26.01    1.00
The llvm approach improves the performance of this regular R code compared to the internal native code used by R by a minimum of a factor of 1.6 and up to a factor of 6.
Duncan Temple Lang <>
Last modified: Wed Jun 5 06:16:05 PDT 2013